In Community Support of EOLPC
In this three-session online and interactive course, Rev. Lynda Elaine Carré, Clinical Chaplain and Integration Therapist, will share concepts, examples, and approaches that will enrich a practitioners’ holistic support of their clients’ preparation and integration. Participants will gain an understanding of what “spirituality” is and is not and why it is essential and inseparable from truly responsible and skillful psychedelic integration, especially at end-of-life.
Participants will learn how to prepare themselves and their clients to face powerful conscious and unconscious influences they can encounter in the expanded transpersonal states in end-of-life processes and in psychedelic-assisted journeys. She will share ways practitioners can support their clients in assimilating deeply challenging experiences and insights that defy core beliefs and ontological reality, so that Spiritual Distress is alleviated and Spiritual Growth is enhanced through nurtured awareness and upgraded meaning-making that is Spiritual Care.